Friday, March 25, 2011

Hard Candy Lash Ink

This mascara is said to stain your lashes for 4 days. When my best friend told me about this I immediately thought I had to have it. Luckily my eyelashes are fairly long but with blonde hair comes blonde lashes. My lashes tend to look very short and stubby because the tip of them are light blonde and can be hard to see. Since I have this problem i love the look the dark hues that mascara gives them. So when i heard there was a stain that would keep lashes dark for 4 days; I thought it was sent from heaven. This product does exactly what it promises. Your lashes will be dark for numerous day, however it given absolutely NO volume to them and gives them a hard clumpy look. I wasn't satisfied with this product and I'd much rather use mascara daily then this every 4 days. But some may like it, I have the remaining to my sister and she adores it.  I guess its just one of those products that give people different results, so feel free to try it. Hard Candy Lash ink is available at Walmart for $7.00.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting - thanks for saving me the hassle. I was gonna go get it.
